Open web applications
LEAPs (LibwEb APplications) are a suite of community web site
applications built by using LibWeb. I am planning to have message
board, instant messaging, chat, file manager, user profile manager,
used books sales/classified, match-making and possibly more as other
developers write more web applications based on the interfaces and
frameworks defined in LibWeb. To be more realistic, currently I have
only written two LEAPs, a file manager and an online used-textbook
classified. LEAPs are available at
LEAPs home page.
One common drawback on open source web application is that after a
web site developer downloaded the script, he/she has to do quite a bit
of tweaking on the script in order for it to communicate with the
site's own database and members authentication system. However, this
is not a problem with LEAPs since the overheads of consistent member
authentication scheme and database interaction is well defined and
handled by LibWeb already.
This makes LEAPs plug-and-play web
LibWeb-0.02 strong template and theming (HTML widgets) support also allows
easy customization of the look and feel of a LEAP with minimum codes
File manager: let your users
have their own personal web sites under your domain!